In this analysis, we’ll develop a model for predicting births by
caesarian from patient characteristics uing the caesarian
data frame.
Model fitting is normally an iterative process. We’ll skip this to keep things simple.
#> Formula: caesarian ~ .
#> Data : caesarian
#> N : 80
#> Predicted category: yes
#> Omnibus Test
#> Chi-square(7) = 24.5557, p = 0.0009094 ***
#> Fit Measures
#> Stukel's GOF Test: Chi-square(2) = 2.7587, p < 0.2517
#> Tjur's Psuedo-R.squared: 0.2715
#> AIC: 100.541
#> Anova Table (type III tests)
#> LR Chisq DF Pr(>Chisq)
#> age 0.1874 1 0.665107
#> delivery.num 2.6039 1 0.106598
#> delivery.time 6.3377 2 0.042052 *
#> bp 10.9374 2 0.004217 **
#> heart.problem 5.6196 1 0.017761 *
#> Logistic Regression Coefficients
#> B SE z Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) 1.43912 1.60133 0.8987 0.368811
#> age -0.02534 0.05883 -0.4307 0.666678
#> delivery.num 0.64139 0.41054 1.5623 0.118218
#> delivery.timepremature -1.06162 0.73059 -1.4531 0.146193
#> delivery.timelatecomer -1.70004 0.74871 -2.2706 0.023170 *
#> bpnormal -2.25423 0.79667 -2.8296 0.004661 **
#> bphigh -0.65859 0.80363 -0.8195 0.412491
#> heart.probleminept 1.37590 0.60431 2.2768 0.022797 *
#> Odds Ratios (with 95% Confidence Intervals)
#> Odds Ratio 2.5% 97.5%
#> age 0.9750 0.86430 1.0930
#> delivery.num 1.8991 0.87428 4.4808
#> delivery.timepremature 0.3459 0.07670 1.4076
#> delivery.timelatecomer 0.1827 0.03786 0.7431
#> bpnormal 0.1050 0.01919 0.4536
#> bphigh 0.5176 0.10116 2.4749
#> heart.probleminept 3.9586 1.26252 13.9405
#> Data : caesarian
#> N : 80
#> Response variable : caesarian
#> Category Balance : no (0.42%) yes (0.58%)
#> Predicted category: yes
#> Prob to classify : >=0.5
#> Model: glm(caesarian ~ .,
#> family = binomial, data = caesarian)
#> Confusion Matrix
#> Actual
#> Predicted no yes
#> no 22 11
#> yes 12 35
#> Overall Statistics
#> Accuracy: 0.7125
#> 97% CI : (0.6005, 0.8082)
#> No Information Rate: 0.575
#> P-Value [Acc > NIR]: 0.007869
#> Statistics by Category
#> Sensitivity 0.7609
#> Specificity 0.6471
#> Pos Pred Value 0.7447
#> Neg Pred Value 0.6667
#> F1 0.7527
#> ---
#> Note: recall = sensitivity,
#> precision = pos pred value.
pred <- predict(fit, caesarian, type="response")
roc_plot(caesarian$caesarian, pred, positive="yes")
lift_plot(caesarian$caesarian, pred, positive="yes")
#> decile ncases nresp cumresp pctevents gain cumlift
#> 1 10 8 8 8 17.39 17.39 1.739000
#> 3 20 8 7 15 15.22 32.61 1.630500
#> 4 30 8 7 22 15.22 47.83 1.594333
#> 5 40 8 7 29 15.22 63.05 1.576250
#> 6 50 8 2 31 4.35 67.40 1.348000
#> 7 60 8 4 35 8.70 76.10 1.268333
#> 8 70 8 3 38 6.52 82.62 1.180286
#> 9 80 8 6 44 13.04 95.66 1.195750
#> 2 100 8 2 46 4.35 100.01 1.000100