method for class "info.lm"
# S3 method for info.lm
print(x, digits = 3, ...)
an object of class "info.lm"
produced by the
number of significant digits to print.
parameters passed to print.
fit <- lm(mpg ~ hp + wt + accel + origin, data = auto_mpg)
sfit <- info(fit)
print(sfit, digits=5)
#> Model: mpg ~ hp + wt + accel + origin
#> Data : auto_mpg
#> N : 388
#> Fit Indices
#> R.Squared Adj.R.Squared AIC RMSE MAE
#> 0.71842 0.71473 2217.3 4.1385 3.1518
#> Omnibus Test
#> F(5,382) = 194.92138, p < < 2.22e-16 ***
#> Anova Table (type III tests)
#> Sum Sq DF F value Pr(>F)
#> (Intercept) 5363.24188 1 308.29592 <0.00001 ***
#> hp 217.64947 1 12.51117 0.00045 ***
#> wt 1007.30594 1 57.9031 <0.00001 ***
#> accel 0.95153 1 0.0547 0.81521
#> origin 307.09413 2 8.82637 0.00018 ***
#> Residuals 6645.42813 382
#> Regression Coefficients
#> B B* SE t Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) 43.2656274 0.000000 2.4641045 17.55836 5.0423e-51 ***
#> hp -0.0563185 -0.278285 0.0159222 -3.53711 4.5427e-04 ***
#> wt -0.0047726 -0.517966 0.0006272 -7.60941 2.1712e-13 ***
#> accel -0.0286240 -0.010143 0.1223907 -0.23387 8.1521e-01
#> origin2 0.9689236 0.047233 0.6467625 1.49811 1.3493e-01
#> origin3 2.7614765 0.141905 0.6590012 4.19040 3.4624e-05 ***