method for class "info.glm"
# S3 method for info.glm
print(x, digits = 4, ...)
an object of class "info.glm"
produced by the
number of significant digits to print.
parameters passed to print.
fit <- glm(caesarian ~ age + bp + delivery.time, family = binomial, data = caesarian)
sfit <- info(fit)
print(sfit, digits=5)
#> Formula: caesarian ~ age + bp + delivery.time
#> Data : caesarian
#> N : 80
#> Predicted category: yes
#> Omnibus Test
#> Chi-square(5) = 15.24551, p = 0.0093632 **
#> Fit Measures
#> Stukel's GOF Test: Chi-square(2) = 0.0663, p < 0.96739
#> Tjur's Psuedo-R.squared: 0.17685
#> AIC: 105.8512
#> Anova Table (type III tests)
#> LR Chisq DF Pr(>Chisq)
#> age 0.64654 1 0.421353
#> bp 12.12550 2 0.002328 **
#> delivery.time 6.94758 2 0.030999 *
#> Logistic Regression Coefficients
#> B SE z Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) 1.020828 1.493933 0.68332 0.4944072
#> age 0.039442 0.049284 0.80031 0.4235306
#> bpnormal -2.050646 0.714833 -2.86871 0.0041215 **
#> bphigh -0.461095 0.751575 -0.61351 0.5395422
#> delivery.timepremature -1.297069 0.677854 -1.91349 0.0556849
#> delivery.timelatecomer -1.539605 0.703958 -2.18707 0.0287373 *
#> Odds Ratios (with 95% Confidence Intervals)
#> Odds Ratio 2.5% 97.5%
#> age 1.04023 0.944819 1.14890
#> bpnormal 0.12865 0.027903 0.47747
#> bphigh 0.63059 0.137388 2.74078
#> delivery.timepremature 0.27333 0.066588 0.98893
#> delivery.timelatecomer 0.21447 0.049072 0.80639