print.contents prints the results of the content function.

# S3 method for contents
print(x, ...)



a object of class contents


not used.


No return value, called for side effects.


testdata <- data.frame(height=c(4, 5, 3, 2, 100),
                       weight=c(39, 88, NA, 15, -2),
                       names=c("Bill","Dean", "Sam", NA, "Jane"),
                       race=c('b', 'w', 'w', 'o', 'b'))

x <- contents(testdata)
#> The data frame testdata has 5 observations and 4 variables.
#> Overall
#>  pos varname type      n_unique n_miss pct_miss
#>  1   height  numeric   5        0      0%      
#>  2   weight  numeric   5        1      20%     
#>  3   names   character 5        1      20%     
#>  4   race    character 3        0      0%      
#> Numeric Variables
#>        n mean    sd skew min   p25 median   p75 max
#> height 5 22.8 43.17 1.07   2  3.00      4  5.00 100
#> weight 4 35.0 39.13 0.38  -2 10.75     27 51.25  88
#> Categorical Variables
#>  variable level n pct 
#>  names    Bill  1 0.25
#>           Dean  1 0.25
#>           Jane  1 0.25
#>           Sam   1 0.25
#>  race     b     2 0.40
#>           o     1 0.20
#>           w     2 0.40